Vergangene Veranstaltungen
Hier finden Sie die vergangenen Veranstaltungen:
CoP Live Demo
This session will give an overview of important features & how to access and report using the tool. (EN)
Deep Dive Series: Modernizing Executive Pay
This series will help you explore how executive pay can become a catalyst for positive change in your company. (EN)
Changemaker Series: Martin Ochien´g
Learn from Ochien’g about the role of men in achieving gender equality in this Changemaker session. (EN)
Deep Dive Series: Modernizing Executive Pay
This series will help you explore how executive pay can become a catalyst for positive change in your company. (EN)
CoP – Offene Sprechstunde
CoP | Offene Sprechstunde in Zusammenarbeit mit den Lokalen Netzwerken aus Deutschland und Schweiz/Liechtenstein.
Changemaker Series: Dinali Peiris
Dinali Peiris draws from her own progressive career journey to provide leadership to key empowerment challenges. (EN)
CoP Live Demo
In this session the UNGC will give an overview of how to access and report using the tool & showcasing important features. (EN)
Deep Dive Series: Modernizing Executive Pay
This series will help you explore how executive pay can become a catalyst for positive change in your company. (EN)
#TargetGenderEquality MNC Deep Dive
Unpacking gender equality strategies in contexts of smaller companies & real-life case studies … (EN)