Navigating Crises in a Complex World
WebinarLessons for Business Leadership
The war in Ukraine, in all its dimensions, is producing alarming cascading effects across a world already battered by COVID-19 and climate change. The risks of generations lost and Sustainable Development Goals derailed, as well as waves of food insecurity, energy shortages, unfolding debt crises and social unrest are real. As CEOs face greater pressures to lead in arenas outside typical private sector boundaries, and complex crises emerge as a lasting norm, the United Nations Global Compact leads a panel on how a principles-based approach can help companies navigate converging crises. The event will feature findings from the newly-released UN Global Compact/Accenture CEO Study, the latest in Harvard Business Review research, and reflections from companies.
Tuesday, 7 of March 2023
3:00 – 4:00 PM